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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Astronaut Scott Kelly is Returning From a Year in Space

Astronaut Scott Kelly and Cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko
Astronaut Scott Kelly and his Russian colleague cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko will be returning to Earth after spending nearly a full year in space at the International Space Station.  You can watch all of the coverage on NASA-TV. 

You can find all of the details here:…/one-year-crew-returns-from-space-stat…

You can view the events on NASA TV here:

The schedule is as follows:

Monday, Feb. 29

3:10 PM (12:10 PM PST) -- Change of command ceremony (Scott Kelly hands over space station command to Tim Kopra)

Tuesday, March 1

4:15 PM EST (1:15 PM PST) -- Farewell and hatch closure coverage
4:40 PM EST (1:40 PM PST) -- Hatch closure
7:45 PM EST (4:45 PM PST) -- Undocking coverage begins
8:05 PM EST (5:05 PM PST) -- Undocking scheduled
10:15 PM EST (5:05 PM PST) -- Deorbit burn and landing coverage begins
10:34 PM EST (5:05 PM PST) -- Deorbit burn scheduled
11:27 PM EST (10:27 AM PST on March 2, Kazakhstan time) -- Landing

Wednesday, March 2

1:30 PM EST (5:05 PM PST)-- Video file of hatch closure, undocking and landing activities