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Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Magnifgicent Yellow Magnolia: Elizabeth

Soft yellow blossom of the magnolia "Elizabeth"
One of our magnificent yellow magnolias, "Elizabeth," is in full bloom,  covered with large, butter yellow blossoms. My only regret is that the bloom period for these exquisite trees is so short.

Around the base of the tree pictured below, a patchwork of ground covers spreads throughout the rock garden that surrounds it. Clumps of deep purple Laborador violets set against dark green, nearly black,  leaves contrast with vivid green low growing stonecrop while bright green wild strawberry vines are sending runners throughout the rock garden.

We can hardly wait for some of the other woodland plants to emerge and develop and begin to bloom.

One of two yellow magnolias takes center stage in the Fairy Garden, a partial shade rock garden.

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