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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One Final Post About Columbine

If you can stand one more post about coumbine, I proimise, it will be the last (for this spring, that is)!

The blossoms of all of the columbine on the rose island opened fully and they are all beautiful double blooms. What is interesting is that the plants I originally planted on this island, which is separated by quite a distance from the other columbines, were all singles, all "Spring Magic" variety.

This is the third year they have been growing there and this year, not a one is showing the original blue or pink blooms of the plants I originally planted. But these double blooms are definitely worth the price of admission!

In an other area, a later flowering dwarf white opened and is also quite lovely.


  1. Oh my! I have never seen such beautiful columbines. The double petals are exquisite and the color is divine. My flowering dwarfs are having their best year ever... quite possibly because the weather here has been more like the Pacific Northwest, wet and cold.

  2. We have been experiencing the same thing weather-wise all spring... chilly and wet, and I have to agree with you about the columbine. I've never seen them as lovely, and especially the dwarfs. I definitely plan to save some seeds this year, which I will cheerfully share. Don't know exactly what will grow, but there's nothing to be lost by trying!


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