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Monday, May 23, 2011

Garden Visitors: American Goldfinch

A welcome sight and sound are the songbirds that fly through the trees and feed from the sunflower feeders we fill year round.

This weekend the goldfinches were flitting through the dogwoods and posing for the camera at their favorite feeder.

Their cheerful, rambling warble is one of the prettiest spring birdsongs we hear.


  1. The American goldfinch are just beautiful. They come through here in the Houston Texas area around Christmas Eve. They stay until March then when they start changing back with the yellow again off they go heading to the north. I'm new to your blog, and since I love the outdoors this is one blog I plan on commenting on. I'm so glad that I found you.

  2. Welcome to our blog! We're so glad you found us too!

    I've never seen a goldfinch when it's molting although I've read about it and seen pictures. We love them as well, and feed them until they fly off to warmer climes in November.


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